branch of philosophy

Branches of Philosophy is divided into three types is

A- Metaphysic (Theory of reality)

B- Epistemology (Theory of knowledge)

C- Axiology (Theory of values or ethics)

A- Metaphysic:-

  • Meta Physic is the branch of philosophy that deals with the problem of reality.
  • It is considered as beyond physics
  • It is a theory of reality
  • it deals with man, the world, and ultimate reality or god
  • it is a deeper study for finding the truth
  • it deals with questions like

       (a) What is a living being? What is the soul?

        (b) What is the relationship between body and soul

        (c) What is the relationship between man, world, and god

Branches of Philosophy i

(B) Epistemology:-

  • Epistemology is the branch of philosophy that deals with the problem of knowledge
  • it is considered as a theory of knowledge.
  • it is deals with sources of knowledge
  • Sources of knowledge mainly perception, inference, testimony, comparison, etc.
  • Sources mainly experience,observation,logical,assumptions,authority,institution etc.
  • it deals with questions like

(a) What is the truth?  What is doubt?

(b) What are the sources of acquiring knowledge.

(C) Axiology:-
  • Axiology is the branch that deals with the problem of values.
  • It can be considered as a theory of values.
  • There are mainly three kinds of values
(a) Logical values or truth values [ Satyam ]

   i- From the instinct nature of the human mind faculty of knowledge.

   ii- it deals with questions like what is truth? what is doubt? what is the nature of logical thinking?

 (b) Ethical values or good values [ Shivam ]

i-  From the instinct nature of the human mind faculty of willing or desire.

ii- it deals with questions like what is god, what is evil, what is good behavior.

(c) Aesthetic values or Beauty values [ Sundaram ]

i-  From the instinct nature of the human mind faculty of facing.

ii- it deals with questions like what is beauty? what is ugly?

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By Biju Samal

Biju Samal, The Author, And Co-Founder Of Wide Education