conductive school environment



The conducive school environment is one in which teachers establish a learning environment where students feel physically, psychologically, socially, and culturally secure. In a conducive school Environment teachers work independently and cooperatively to make their classrooms and school stimulating learning environments. They maintain acceptable levels of students’ conduct and use discipline strategies that result in a positive environment conducive to student learning.

Conducive school environment helps in creating a favorable atmosphere to ensure an effective teaching and learning process to take place. So one of the most essential features in creating a conducive school environment is a good classroom organization and management making an atmosphere conducive to learning free in the hands of a teacher. So he/she should first prepare well-planned lessons with relevant teaching aids such as charts, visual aids, and many more preparing a lesson plan is important, as it gives the teacher to make a conducive environment where their opportunity to there would be fewer behavioral problems.

Also, organizing a classroom requires good time management skills. Smooth flow in teaching or transition previous during activities will ensure that previous time is not wasted as the time allocation for each subject may be limited to 35 to 45 minutes when planning an activity the teacher should take into consideration the right amount of time required.

The second aspect of creating a conducive environment is by having an attractive physical classroom environment. The physical environment is important as an attractive environment that will foster effective learning physical layout is the seating arrangement in the classroom is a key feature in creating a conducive environment colorful charts, posters, diagrams, theme-based displays, and attractive’ also add to the conducive environment for learning.

Conducive school environment
Conducive school environment

Characteristics that impact the learning climate are as follows;

1. Accessibility to resources

2. Dissuading biases

3. Inclusive setting

4. Instructional techniques

5. Knowledge of sociolinguistics

6. Supportive ambience

1. Accessibility to resources:

Teachers must ensure that chalks, charts, models, equipment for demonstration, etc are made available to students in every session.

2. Dissuading biases:

Teachers can create a positive difference in the life of the socio-culturally disadvantaged students. The teacher should be caring so that students start liking their classrooms and perform well in their student

3. Inclusive setting:

Teachers must create an inclusive environment in the classroom in which all the students feel at home, develop self-confidence, and be able to develop their potentialities and talents.

4. Instructional techniques:

Depending on the need of the students, a teacher should be flexible enough with their instructional techniques so that all the students are set on the path of learning.

5. Knowledge of sociolinguistics:

Creating a conducive environment for learning demands that a teacher should lave the knowledge of sociolinguistics of students.

6. Supportive ambience:

Students co-operate whole heatedly in the teaching-learning process if the teacher is caring and affectionate. An empathetic approach on the part of the teacher makes students feel comfortable. All the above factors impel the students to be serious about their lessons and co-operative whole heatedly with their mentors in accomplishing the targets and work hard in achieving expectations so an to create a conducive school environment.



Teamwork can be defined as a group of people interacting and co-operating in a work-related activity. It involves hands-on working together.

Teacher teamwork has received increased attention from researchers and policymakers as a way of school improvement. The teacher’s teamwork is based on the view that teachers work together. With the rising enrollment of students with disabilities and other special needs, increasing numbers of English language learners, shortage of teachers are just some of the factors that make the need for a dynamic school team more necessary than ever so to be successful, teachers must view themselves as teams and partners in the educational process.

Thus teamwork can be defined as a process among pertness who share mutual goals and work together to achieve the goals. Teamwork allows people to die to cuss their work together and, as a result, to grow professionally. All members working in a team must lave a clear understanding of the team goal.

(a) What to be achieved

(b) How will we know when the outcome has been reached

(c) Time factor

Thus effective administrators ensure that teachers can work together to plan, share the idea, and support each other.




Transparency in education is important for a variety of reasons. Transparency education is required as it helps the parents universities and related organizations to see what is happening in the classroom. Information on student learning can be presented in language that is understandable by the audience. It should be updated regularly.

A fully transparent celebrity should contain

– Student learning outcomes

– Assessment plans and procedure

– Evidence of student learning

Today the internet, in particular, has become a powerful tool for sharing what was once seen as restricted. This has altered the teaching profession in numerous ways. It is also enabling teachers to open up their classrooms and bring more transparency to their practice.

The teacher can also give parents access to information that helps. They better understand the day-to-day operations of the classroom. Via learning-management systems, class websites, and online grade books, parents can become better informed about course content and routines, as well as their child’s progress.

By creating an open dialogue with parents and administrators, teachers can accept parent suggestions and change aspects of their program as needed. Thus transparency is one of the important aspects to create a conducive school environment.



Self-esteem is a psychological concept. It is the positive or negative evaluation of the self, as in how we feel about it. Self-esteem is an important part of success.

Positive self-esteem among teachers:

Enhances their confidence and other abilities thereby play a contributing role in facilitating a conducive school environment

People with high self-esteem are realistic about their strengths and week nesses and can set goals and work towards them with optimism and humor. They also feel competent in the area. They consider important and do not take other people’s negative impressions of them too seriously.



Self-esteem is eminent for the headteacher, teachers do that they may be proceeding in their profession with confidence, attachment devotion & without any fear of failure.

Teachers can enhance self-esteem both through their day-to-day contact with the pupils and through their teaching methods.

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Biju Samal, The Author, And Co-Founder Of Wide Education