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Inclusive education is a new approach towards educating children with disabilities and learning difficulties with that of normal ones within the same roof.

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It implies all learners with or without disabilities being able to learn together through access to common pre-school previsions, schools, and community educational settings with an appropriate network of support services.

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The Principle of inclusive education was adopted at the world conference on special needs education.

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Inclusive Education may be defined as children with disabilities are education in the same classes as all the other children.

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– Understanding inclusive as a continuing process.

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Encouraging the participation of all students teachers and parents

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Making curriculum flexible, according to the needs of the disabled, while keeping the objects of education the sane for the child's

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– Providing support for the teachers as well as the students.

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“Inclusive Education implies all young learners, young people- with or without disabilities beings able to learn together through access to common pre-school and school with an appropriate network of support service”

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Inclusive Education means where children with and without disabilities participate and learn together in the same classes.

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