March 25, 2025
Relationship between Philosophy and Education

Relationship between Philosophy and Education | Branches of Philosophy


1- Philosophy and education are interrelated, interconnected, and intercorrelated with each other.
2- Education and philosophy are dynamic because both deal with human being and their life.
3- Philosophy is theoretical but education is practical in nature.
4- Philosophy sets the goal and creates a good life for the individual but education finds out the solution by which the goal of a human being can be fulfilled.
5- Philosophy determines what constitutes a life but education makes that life very glorious.
6- Philosophy deals with the end but education deals with some techniques to achieve those ends.
7- Philosophy deals with some abstraction but education is concrete in nature.
8- Truth and principle can be established through philosophy but education helps to it in a process.
9- Philosophy is the love of wisdom but education collects all this wisdom for the individual.
10-Philosophy determine the various aspect of education but education is a part of philosophy so that there is saying “philosophy is the mother os all subject”.


Branches of Philosophy:

Philosophy is the way of life which is both art and science. It is a process that helps to search for reality and truth. We know philosophy is closely related to education without philosophy the system of education will be vague. It is a process that has some specific branches for knowing about the reality of a concept. We have to collect specific knowledge on a particular concept. Because philosophy means ” Love of wisdom ” However the branches of philosophy is essential for knowing the real knowledge There is discus below:-


1- Metaphysics :

The oldest and the traditional branch of philosophy which seeks to reality or existence or being is metaphysics. It addresses two basic questions; What is out there? and what is it like? The term has been derived from two break words ( beyond, upon, or after ) and psysike( physics ). It means going beyond physic. It is concerned with explaining the fundamental nature of being, reality, and the cosmos that encompasses it. It focuses on nature reality. Thus, ontology is the branch of metaphysics it student three aspects of reality, viz, self, world, and god. ( It attempts to find unity across the domains of experience and thought ) Aristotle attributed this branch as the first philosophy and queen of science.

2- Epistemology:

The branch of philosophy that deals with nature and the scope of knowledge is known as epistemology. The word epistemology has been derived from two words ‘episteme’ and ‘logy’. The former meaning is knowledge and the letter the study of this, study of knowledge is epistemology.

The term was first coined by James Frederic freer, Scottish philosophy in 1856 to describe the branch of philosophy concerned with nature, method, and scope of knowledge. The goal of epistemology is to determine the criteria for knowledge so that we can know what can or can’t know. It helps to make the right choice in one’s life and to help realize one’s potentialities. It is the knowledge that is not based upon observation of the physical universe. It simply based on the mind. Which comes before.

The key elements in epistemology are :

(i) Reason is the method of gaining knowledge.
(ii) Logic is the method of maintaining consistency in our set of knowledge.
(iii) Objectivity – associating knowledge with reality to determine it’s validity.
(iv) A proper epistemology of rational epistemology.


3- Axiology:

Another branch of philosophy that clearly deals with values, ethics morality, and aesthetics is known as ” Axiology “. It stems from the Greek roots ‘Axios’ means the value of worthiness and ‘logos’ means study. Thus, the philosophical study of value and goodness is axiology. The term was first used by paul lapie, 1920 and Edward von Hartmann(1908). the worth of something is value. As it studies the conduct of individuals it seeks to study two kinds of value-ethics and aesthetics.

Ethics is a normative science of manner or conduct. It is a study of what is right or good in human conduct. As a normative science, it judges as to what is right or wrong, good or bad, virtue or vice, etc. It stands on the sound and strong pillar of ideals or norms set by society. It guides one to shape his character and conduct by practicing norms or ideals.

It is primarily concerned with moral judgments right and wrong. As a science, it evaluates the rightness or wrongness of human action by ethical standards that are set and stated. ‘Axiology’ is considered as a science of value/theory of value, it should be wrong if we tend to harp on anything beyond value.

Relationship between Philosophy and Education

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